
Meet some of the incredible women helping to deliver the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™

Meet some of the incredible women helping to deliver the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™

Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC)

‘What is your favourite thing about working on Qatar 2022?'

This is the question that was asked to a diverse group of female colleagues to mark International Women’s Day.

The Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) has more than 300 female employees, including many in senior leadership positions.

Here we go behind-the-scenes at Al Bidda Tower and discuss their pride in working on the first FIFA World Cup™ in the Middle East and Arab world.

Moza Al Mohannadi, Marketing & Communications Director, Generation Amazing

Nationality: Qatari

Joined: 2015

“I love the spirit of teamwork and defiance on this project. My mother raised my sister and I alone, following my father’s death when I was young – and the woman my mother was inspired me greatly. She empowered us both to challenge ourselves, work to the best of our abilities and follow our dreams. Now, as the mother of three daughters myself, I am committed to continuing her legacy by empowering my daughters and inspiring them to deliver their best, while I continue to learn and grow on my own journey.”

Jenni-Lee Van Gelder, Ceremonies Director, Marketing & Event Experience

Nationality: Australian

Joined: 2020

“I love the people I work with. They come from all around the world. Equality goes far beyond nationality or gender. It encompasses so much – how we respect each other, work together, move forward as a team at work, or in life generally, and the positive difference we make along the way. Today is a day to reflect on women’s achievements and the journey so far – whether that be historically over decades, or our own personal journey. Working on the World Cup we are all one – we are working towards delivering an enjoyable and exciting tournament that welcomes and celebrates everyone.”

Afraa Al Noaimi, Executive Director, Josoor Institute

Nationality: Qatari

Joined: 2013

“I love the fact women play an important role across many different fields. For myself, it has been an incredible journey over the last nine years which has taken me from HR Manager to Director to Executive Director. There have been so many challenges and opportunities. My story is just one of many that highlights the value and support our organisation offers through merit-based progression. I am also proud to have the opportunity to mentor people in my current role. It feels empowering to pay it forward to the next generation of leaders.”

Maryam Al Muftah, Digital Services & Innovation Director, Technology & Innovation

Nationality: Qatari

Joined: 2013

“To work on a World Cup tournament is incredible and historical in itself – for the region and as an individual – but to work alongside such a diverse and richly talented group of people is what makes it even more special.

“I have worked with many colleagues since joining the SC and nine years on, it is still inspiring to see empowered women being a key and valued driving force behind such an historic project.”

Isabel Davalos, International Media Relations Expert, Communications

Nationality: Spanish

Joined: 2014

“I’ve been lucky enough to see the project grow from a time where there were no stadiums at all. I love the fact we have incredible women from all over the world who bring a wealth of experience and insight. One of the reasons we say Qatar 2022 is a World Cup for everyone is because the people behind the tournament are truly global and the diversity we have here not only enriches the working environment, but is also invaluable when working on a project for a global audience.”

Asha Hussein, Digital Community Manager, Communications

Nationality: British-Somali

Joined: 2021

“The world will have to look at us as the pioneering, change-making women that we are – the disruptors that we are. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? In Qatar – more than anywhere else I’ve worked – I have seen women from diverse backgrounds in influential leadership roles with a crucial seat at the table, consistently making a positive impact. It is important for us to always be pioneers and challengers – and to positively influence and inspire others.”

Dr. Talar Sahsuvaroglu, Sustainability & Environmental Subject Matter Expert

Nationality: Armenian-Canadian

Joined: 2013

“I grew up in Doha, so it’s wonderful to be back, seeing all the changes and bringing all my international experience to Qatar for the World Cup. It’s a magical place and a beautiful melting pot of cultures and traditions.

“We are all looking forward to celebrating this festival of football with fans from all around the world. I am also looking forward to seeing many women discover this hidden gem of a country and region for themselves."