
FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022: SC Renews Commitment to Qatar World Cup Environmental Sustainability

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022: SC Renews Commitment to Qatar World Cup Environmental Sustainability


 Coinciding with the celebration of Earth Day 2022, the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) affirmed its firm commitment to providing innovative solutions that contribute to enhancing the environmental sustainability goals associated with hosting the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 expected later this year. 

Sustainability & Environmental Expert at the SC, Orjan Lundberg, said: "Food waste is a major challenge around the world. Approximately a third of all the food produced for human consumption is thrown away. In addition, mixing organic waste with non-compostable packaging can make the treatment of such waste very difficult. We chose to turn this challenge into an opportunity during the FIFA Arab Cup." Lundberg added: "We learned so much from this project, including how to procure compostable consumables, how to segregate waste, and use the composting machines compatible with local farms. We are proud to be investing in our planet, and in a good place to deliver something bigger and better during the FIFA World Cup later this year." More than 75 tons of organic waste were collected during the 19-day tournament and has now been turned into compost. A cohesive organic waste management system was implemented during the FIFA Arab Cup to achieve this. At stadium sites, the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) and the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 LLC worked to maximize the use of compostable food containers and cutlery, as well as building awareness with the workforce on the appropriate use of the waste segregation systems, which included a compostable green bin. The SC organized additional waste segregation activities and worked with Qatar-based Agricompost to compost organic waste produced during the tournament.