
SIGA launches third regional association in Latin America

SIGA launches third regional association in Latin America

Alkass Digital

The world’s leading Sports Integrity coalition, Sports Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA), together with its Brazilian Members Pacto Pelo Esporte and Arena Hub, announced the inauguration of SIGA LATIN AMERICA.

The purpose of this institutional expansion into Latin America aims to promote the highest integrity and governance standards in Sport, throughout the whole region, as part of ongoing global reform to restore the sector's reputation and regain its much-needed credibility.

This is the third continental structure that SIGA, the world’s largest independent, neutral, multi-stakeholder coalition in the field of sports governance and integrity, has established over the last three years. This includes SIGA AMERICA, based in Washington DC, in the United States, and SIGA EUROPE, headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal, with plans for SIGA ASIA also in the pipeline. Pursuing its mission across the whole Latin American territory, the new organization will be headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros, SIGAs Global CEO and co-founder, was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SIGA LATIN AMERICA. Pacto Pelo Esportes Executive Director, Daniela Castro, will be the Chief Operating Officer, and Ricardo Mazzucca, CEO of Arena Hub, a member of the Board of Directors.

Commenting on the creation of the new continental organization, Vice Chairman of SIGA Mohammed bin Hanzab stated: "Today is a historical day! The incorporation of SIGA LATIN AMERICA is a game-changing moment for our global movement and Sport Integrity alike." "Almost 700 hundred million people live here, all of them passionate about Sport, including some of the most iconic sports organizations and the best athletes the world has ever known. And they have the backing of a leading business community that, as the most dynamic Brazilian sponsors are demonstrating, wants to see Sport being governed and operated under the highest integrity standards. Free from corruption, financial mismanagement, and unethical behavior," he noted.

For his part, Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros said: "Starting here, right now, in this great Sports nation called Brazil. We count on the support of our members Pacto Pelo Esporte, Arena Hub and the wider Brazilian sporting industry. We count on all those, from Chile and Argentina in the south to Mexico up in the north, who are passionate about Sport and share our vision to join our Global Movement and be the Champions of Sport Integrity!".

Daniela Castro, Executive Director of Pacto Pelo Esporte, stated: "When we started this path, six years ago, the Brazilian sports scene was challenging and full of insecurities for sponsorship. We fought hard to keep Sport on the agenda of the companies, and we achieved a great victory by not having companies cancel their commitment to sport during the pandemics, but there’s still a lot to be done."

"Brazil has great potential and sports institutions are more mature now. It is the perfect moment for this union of entities to take place through the synergy of purpose and through the union with a global stakeholder that will contribute a lot in the transformation of Sport." Ricardo Mazzucca, CEO of Arena Hub, stated: "The arrival of SIGA to Latin America represents an important step for the sports industry development in the region. The challenges ahead are enormous, and the market transformation is very intense, so it is fundamental that all Industry stakeholders join forces to promote its development. SIGAs global experience will contribute to this process by sharing knowledge and best practices."