
AFC Affirms Commitment Ensuring Implementation Good Governance Principles

AFC Affirms Commitment Ensuring Implementation Good Governance Principles


The Asian Football Confederation (AFC)'s commitment to ensure its Member Associations (MAs) and Regional Associations (RAs) continue to embody the principles of good governance was further reinforced by the AFC Associations Committee at its fourth meeting held virtually today.

Led by Chairperson Hachem Haidar, the Committee hailed the formation of the new Governance Coordination Unit, which has been established under the umbrella of the Administration's Member Association Division, to enable greater adherence to and the implementation of effective governance practices within the AFC's MAs and RAs.

Similarly, members of the Committee also recognized the commendable progress undertaken in the Statutes Revision process, with as many as 41 MAs and five RAs either undergoing or having completed the exercise, underlining once again the Confederation's steadfast ambitions to uphold its core values of transparency and good governance.

Concurrently, with the gradual easing of travel restrictions across the Continent, it was noted that the AFC attended a total of 52 MAs' and RAs' Congresses since December last year, 16 of which were attended onsite, in another clear sign of the ever-growing spirit of unity between the AFC and its MAs and RAs.

The Committee was also updated on the success of the AFC Member Associations and Regional Associations General Secretaries Conference 2022, which was held in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from January 13 to 15.

Members of the Committee noted the unanimous praise attributed to the Conference for its comprehensive programme, experienced line-up of high-level speakers, meticulous delivery and unrivalled platform in forging closer ties within the Asian football family.

Showcasing the AFC and Asian football's steady road to recovery, the Conference was the first event of its stature and scale to be organized in a hybrid online and onsite format, bringing together 24 General Secretaries physically, while 17 MA and three RA General Secretaries attended online.