
Khaleeji Zain 25: Advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs to QNA: Glad for Tournament's Success

Khaleeji Zain 25: Advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs to QNA: Glad for Tournament


Advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs Iyad Bunyan expressed his happiness with the considerable success of the Arabian Gulf Cup, currently held in Basra, Iraq.

In exclusive remarks to Qatar News Agency (QNA), Bunyan said that the tournament succeeded even before its kickoff and that Iraq should build on this tournament, taking into consideration that Iraq missed the tournament for more than 40 years due to the circumstances that Iraq had to go through. That is why Iraq's government is discussing the post-Gulf 25 as Iraq is looking forward to hosting Arab and Asian tournaments to join sporting events hosting countries.

Bunyan said that Iraq is facing a new different reality and that Gulf 25 represents a qualitative leap to the country. He added that they were surprised by the Gulf attendance to the tournament. They were also happy with the cohesion between the Gulf people and Iraqis in general, especially the people of Basra, as no one could tell the difference between who is Gulf and who is Iraqi, as they were all living in harmony in the same place, gathered by fraternal relations.

Advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs pointed out that the Gulf attendance added a distinct flavor to the tournament, considering that Gulf 25 is successful because of huge Gulf fans' attendance.

Bunyan concluded his statement to QNA saying that any poem is judged by its opening line, and Iraq managed to present a marvelous opening ceremony and for sure the closing will be the same, saying that there are surprises that will make both Gulf and Iraqis happy.