
QOC Celebrates International Women's Day

QOC Celebrates International Women


The Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC) celebrated the International Womens Day at the Longines Arena (Al Shaqab) on Tuesday, 7th of March , in recognition of Qatari womens leading role in all aspects of society, specially sport.

A discussion panel kicked off the womens day event with the participation of leading Qatari sporting personalities, including fencing star Lina Al Buainain, 400m hurdler Mariam Fareed, and Haya Burshaid the founder of Wyld Gym.

The panel session targeted several key topics such as success storytelling, breaking boundaries, unlocking human potential, and urging the next generation of girls to pursue their goals.

The International Womens Day event also featured a run over two distances, 2.5 km and 5 km, with a wide participation of girls from different age groups.