
Aspire Academy, Fitogether kick off global partnership

Aspire Academy, Fitogether kick off global partnership

The Peninsula

Seoul, Qatar: Fitogether has announced a strategic partnership with Qatar’s renowned Aspire Academy, which provides sports training and high school education to local student-athletes with sporting potential.

Fitogether — the FIFA Preferred Provider for Wearable Player Tracking, has been validated as the most accurate solution with centimeter-level data accuracy.

This collaboration marks a significant milestone for both organizations. Through this partnership, Fitogether will validate and test the new development of their product, OHCOACH, within the Aspire network, develop new products and services, and engage in educational collaboration to enhance athlete training and development.

To officially commence this partnership, Ivan Bravo, Director General of Aspire Academy, travelled to Seoul. He was accompanied by Professor Valter Di Salvo, Director of Football Performance & Science at Aspire Academy and Nawaf Al.Mudahka, Head of Special Projects at Aspire Zone Foundation. The Ambassador of Qatar in South Korea H E Khalid Ebrahim Abdulrahman Al Hamar, also attended the signing ceremony for the partnership agreement between Aspire Academy and Fitogether.

Commenting on this collaboration, Aspire Academy Director General Ivan Bravo said:” Aspire Academy is excited to work with Fitogether. We are eager to witness their products in action with our footballers and to utilize the data to help develop the next generation of Qatar football stars. We are equally enthusiastic about the opportunity to test, assess, and improve software features with Fitogether as we strive to enhance their future products.”

The partnership between Fitogether and Aspire Academy promises to profoundly impact the sports community. By enhancing athlete performance through innovative technology and comprehensive training programs, this collaboration aims to set new benchmarks in sports science and athlete development.

Jinsung Yoon, CEO of Fitogether, also expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership during the ceremony and the future advancements in athlete performance and training that it will bring. “Being recognized as the FIFA Preferred Provider in 2022, Fitogether’s technology has been acknowledged for its accuracy and advancement. Through our partnership with Aspire Academy, we are now being recognized for the practicality and usability of our technology in the global market. Fitogether will collaborate with Aspire Academy and its World Fellows’ clubs to develop the most innovative sports performance solutions and lead continuous innovation in the related fields.”

Following the launch of this exciting collaboration, Aspire Academy commences the “Aspire in the World Fellows” Workshop Tour, beginning in Argentina on June 4th-5th, 2024. This tour will feature Fitogether equipping players with FIFA’s top-rated accuracy devices, showcasing their unparalleled 2-3cm-level accuracy, 10-hertz, and 3D tracking capabilities. Jinsung Yoon, Fitogether’s CEO, will be a keynote speaker at this conference, presenting the seamless integration of video, tracking, and physical data collected during training sessions.