



The State of Qatar has been elected as a member of the Intergovernmental Committee of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) in Group 5b of the Arab Group in which the competition with the Republic of Mauritania took place.

Some 98 countries participated in the vote, where 59 countries voted for the State of Qatar to be along with eleven other countries members of the new four-year session. Today, half of the 24 members of the government committee were elected.

Hamad Mohammed Al Zakiba, Director of the Culture and Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and head of the Qatari delegation, expressed appreciation for the confidence of the international community in the cultural role of Qatar. He stressed that the Ministry of Culture, Sports and cultural institutions in Qatar will continue to support projects that promote the principles and objectives of this important agreement and its commitment to shared cultural values, particularly through the preparation and organization of the World Cup.

Ambassador H E Ali Zainal, Qatar’s Permanent Representative to Unesco, told Qatar News Agency (QNA) that the importance of this election confirms the confidence of the international community in the State of Qatar to promote cultural diversity, both in the State and outside, noting that this confidence shown the win affirmed the faith of the State of Qatar in the content of the Convention signed in 2005 to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions in a special framework for the formulation of policies and the identification of measures to promote the emergence of dynamic and creative cultural industries and markets throughout the world. 

He added that the paper presented by the Qatari delegation highlighted the cultural institutions activities in the international implementation of the Convention and the initiatives undertaken by Qatar in this regard, the most important of which is the cultural years initiative which started since 2012 with Japan and until this year with India, a matter which has received great satisfaction from various participating States.

On the impact of this election and its implications for the State of Qatar, H E Ambassador Ali Zainal said, “It will increase the activities of Qatar through this membership. Through its cultural institutions, especially the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Qatar will implement programs and events that will enhance the implementation the agreement, at the national level, such as increasing the hosting of the activities of the communities residing in Qatar, as well as through the activities carried out by cultural institutions outside the State to promote the implementation of the Convention.

“The State of Qatar, represented by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, participated in the three - day meeting of the Convention on the “Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions” at its seventh session, which concluded today at Unesco, with the participation of officials, experts and those who are interested from all over the world.

In its working paper, the Ministry emphasized the importance and support of cultural diversity as a fundamental dimension of intercultural dialogue and an important factor for sustainable development, as well as the promotion of human rights and belonging to national identity in exchange for full respect for other cultural identities coexisting in one society.

It also reviewed the efforts of the State of Qatar in supporting cultural events that highlight cultural diversity and enhance it among the expatriate communities inside Qatar, as well as its support for regional and international cooperation and communication that reflects the civilized image of the State. The paper also presented Qatar’s accession to the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Expressions in 2009, The Arab Cultural Capital in 2010 and the establishment of the Forum of Arab and International Relations Qatar 2011 and the launching of the celebration of the Cultural Year Qatar Japan 2012 and the cultural year with the United Kingdom 2013, Brazil 2014, Turkey 2015, China 2016, 2017 Germany, Russia 2018, 2019 with India in the celebration of Doha as capital of Islamic youth in 2019. The 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions provides a special framework for the formulation of policies and the identification of measures to promote the emergence of dynamic and creative industries and markets throughout the world.

The number of parties to the Convention is 146 parties and authors from 145 countries and the European Union. They meet every two years at Unesco headquarters to study the Convention and its implications and determine future actions. Qatar joined this agreement in 2009.