


Alkass Digital

Doha, Qatar - ExxonMobil Qatar, title sponsor of the 2019 Qatar ExxonMobil Open has announced that it will be offering a wide range of fun and creative activities at its stand in the tournament’s Public Village. For over two decades, ExxonMobil Qatar has made sure that the stand is a high point of the tournament for visitors of all ages.

“We are thrilled that the Qatar ExxonMobil Open will be back in Doha at the end of this month,” said Saleh Al Mana, Vice President and Director Government and Public Affairs for ExxonMobil Qatar. 

This year, the ExxonMobil Qatar stand will include the all-popular racing car simulator. The car, which provides visitors with an interactive and realistic racing experience based on a full-size specification racing car, has been a main attraction for both tournament-goers and tennis stars during past tournaments. 

It has an authentic, padded cockpit headrest, four-point racing harness, gear lever paddles, and a quick release carbon fibre steering wheel, that allow drivers to experience the unique movement of the car under realistic acceleration, braking and cornering conditions. A built-in 5.1 surround sound system also provides users with a full-sensory experience.  

Additionally, visitors can enter a green cube for an amazing interactive 3D virtual reality experience. Users will be introduced to the dugong – an endangered marine mammal that has lived in Qatar’s waters for centuries. They will be immersed in a compelling 3D underwater world and take part in an aquatic journey of wonder.

The popular “ExxonMobil Minute” will also be part of the 2019 tournament. Winning players randomly serve tennis balls into the audience at the end of each match, and lucky spectators can catch them and claim a valuable prize at ExxonMobil Qatar’s stand in the Public Village. 

Those frequenting the stand may get a chance to meet their favourite tennis stars - players randomly visit during the tournament to take part in activities, talk to fans and sign oversized tennis balls. 

The Public Village is a lively mix of music, entertainment, performances, restaurants and cafes, and a traditional Souq. It’s a place to relax between matches with family and friends and enjoy the food and entertainment.

Tariq Zainal, Tournament’s General Coordinator said: “This event has become a symbol of the strategic and enduring partnership between the Energy Company ExxonMobil and QTF aimed at taking the sport to higher heights and bringing the community of Qatar the finest tennis and entertainment.” 

Marking the 27th anniversary of the tournament, this year’s Qatar ExxonMobil Open will run from today until January 5, 2019. Tickets for the six-day event are available to the public online at, as well as at various locations across Doha.