
QNB Stars League - Round 10: Al Khor SC Vs. Al Duhail SC

QNB Stars League - Round 10: Al Khor SC Vs. Al Duhail SC

Nour AlMannaei

The match between Al Duhail SC and Al Khor SC took place at Al Khor Stadium. At the beginning, Al Khor had 2 goals to nothing in the minutes 17th and 29th by Abdullah AlMoraisi and Ahmed Hammoudan. Right before the second half, in the minute 41st, Mohamed Muntari scored the first goal for Al Duhail team. Muntari followed it with another goal that was scored in the minute 57th. Then Al Duhail overruled by the last goal that was scored in the minute 66th by Youssef Msekni. 

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