


The Peninsula

Children from the ExxonMobil Qatar community spent over an hour yesterday with Italian star Marco Cecchinato at a Kids Tennis Clinic during the Qatar ExxonMobil Open 2019 taking place in Doha. 

QTF and ExxonMobil Qatar have been organising these clinics since 2013 to promote a love for tennis, and help children develop an interest in physical activities as part of leading a healthy lifestyle. 

The informal session helped the children with racquet control, cooperation and movement, and Cecchinato helped ensure that they were using proper technique.

He also reminded everyone there that tennis is always fun, always interesting, and never fails to put a smile on everyone’s face. Before heading onto the court to spend some valuable time with the tennis stars, the children visited the ExxonMobil Qatar stand in the Public Village with their families and had an amazing interactive 3D virtual reality experience in a green cube that introduced them to the dugong – an endangered marine mammal that has lived in Qatar’s waters for centuries. 

They enjoyed watching their parents and other adults trying out the exciting racing car simulator and competing for the fastest lap time.

“Today’s kids clinic was an unforgettable experience for our children,” said Ryan Quinn, a parent from the ExxonMobil Qatar community. 

“I would like to thank ExxonMobil Qatar and the Qatar Tennis Federation for giving our children this opportunity to spend time with world renowned professional players.” 

“Marco Cecchinato gave them great advice and tips, he worked with them on their technique and made sure they were engaged, motivated and enjoying themselves for the entire time the children were with him.

Experiences like these can have a huge impact on young players – they can inspire them to follow their passion for sport and even motivate them to become athletic leaders.”

ExxonMobil is committed to supporting Qatar’s sustainable development goals, in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030. 

By partnering with like-minded local organisations, ExxonMobil Qatar invests in education and professional workforce development programmes that nurture a highly skilled, motivated and productive workforce to contribute to Qatar’s bright future.