
Bundesliga delegation visits QSL

Bundesliga delegation visits QSL


A delegation from the Bundesliga International visited the headquarters of Qatar Stars League (QSL).

The delegation included Bundesliga International CEO Mr. Robert Klein and DFL’s Head of Intl. Affairs Dr. Marc Lenz. Further meetings with the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, Qatar Football Association and Aspire Zone Foundation (Aspire and Aspetar) were held.

QSL CEO Mr. Hani Taleb Ballan received the delegation at his office in the presence of Mr. Abdulla Al Hammadi, Executive Director of Operations at the QSL, and Mr. Ahmed Khellil Abbassi, Executive Director of Competitions and Football Development at the QSL.

The QSL CEO welcomed the delegation and expressed his desire for further co-operation between both entities in future. The visit of Bundesliga International, which – together with its global partners – drives passion for the top German league and inspires fans worldwide, came in line with QSL’s keenness on future co-operation and experience/knowledge exchange in the fields of education, innovation, technology and overall competition/football operation structures. Collaborating with the top German league would be considered to boost standards through exchange of expertise and application of best practices.