
35,000 volunteers for national campaign against Covid-19

35,000 volunteers for national campaign against Covid-19

Gulf Times

Since the launch of the national campaign to volunteer under the motto ‘For the Sake of Qatar’ about 35,000 male and female volunteers, Qataris and residents, have registered for the programme.

Qatar University (QU) contacted a number of participants in the volunteer training workshops for their feedback about the programme. They spoke about their experiences in voluntary work and the benefits they have gained, in addition to the importance of volunteering to community service.

Volunteer Ahmed al-Jaber said: “I volunteered for the first time in 2003 and ever since, I am interested in the voluntary work as a means of community service. I want to serve my country to protect the community, and support institutions and ministries in their many efforts to advance services provided to citizens. In my opinion, this is the least that can be offered to the community in these circumstances.”

On the importance of volunteering, al-Jaber says volunteering gives new skills to develop themselves and help the community, including parents, children, and brothers.

Volunteer Mohamed al-Madhahka believes that voluntary work is beneficial for both the community and the individual.

His voluntary experience dates back to 2014 and he loves this work being a springboard to community service, helping others.

“Volunteering against this pandemic and serving the community stand as a required national service. Many competent authorities worked on the volunteers’ potentials and equipped them with a lot of skills through training courses addressing safety and its methods as well as other skills,” al-Madhahka explained.

Mohamed Shaheen, head of a voluntary team, says that Ministry of Public Health has given him and other volunteers an opportunity to contribute to serve Qatar, through training workshops that offer volunteers many skills including supporting medical teams, treating infected people, and providing assistance to those who need help.

He says that he and his colleagues are happy to serve the country and are proud about participating in the voluntary work.

He noted that that national cohesion and unity are very much apparent in this large number of natives and residents who have announced their desire to volunteer around the clock and contribute to the efforts of Qatar against this pandemic.

Volunteer Nisreen Battah, supervisor of Qatar Foundation’s Training Workshops, expressed her happiness over the voluntary work that she has been engaged with since 2014. Battah said that she was among the first who registered in the voluntary work website and urged her family and friends to volunteer. She added that through these workshops, she equips the volunteers with more skills and knowledge to serve the nation.

As for the safety of volunteers, Battah said that all precautions have been provided for the protection and safety of volunteers.

Under the motto “Volunteer to Satisfy Yourself”, voluntary activist, Hamad al-Kenti said that the coronavirus pandemic is threatening economies of big and small countries. “What makes this pandemic different from other diseases is that, no one single country or sector can defeat it alone. All must join hands and stay at home till this calamity ends and becomes past news,” noted al-Kenti.

Among the most important phenomena that becomes prominent during crises is the kind of cooperation and solidarity existing among natives and expats to defend Qatar and defeat Covid-19 until life returns to normal.

“This is exactly what Qatari people, nationals and residents, have demonstrated in rushing in thousands to volunteer with the Ministry of Public Health, the Red Crescent, and Qatar Charity. This move confirms that seeds of goodness and the roots of Qatar’s love lie deep in the hearts and minds. Everyone is volunteering. Anyone who stays at home is a volunteer, anyone who provides or organises, or attends voluntary training courses is a volunteer. All relevant whereabouts of voluntary work are addressed by volunteers under the #Volunteer _ for _ Qatar, exerting their time and effort as a redemption for Qatar, which transcends with the spirit of loyalty,” elaborated al-Kenti.