
Norwich player tests positive in latest Premier League coronavirus testing

Norwich player tests positive in latest Premier League coronavirus testing


A Norwich City player is one of two people to test positive for coronavirus from the latest round of 1,200 Premier League tests.

Testing took place on Thursday and Friday, with Norwich beating Spurs 2-1 in a friendly at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium also on Friday.

Spurs confirmed they have no positive tests and said the Canaries player had "no close contacts" with their team.

The unnamed player will now self isolate for seven days.

He will now miss the restart of the Premier League campaign, which has been suspended since 13 March.

The Premier League is set to resume behind closed doors on 17 June when Aston Villa host Sheffield United at 18:00 BST, with Manchester City v Arsenal at 20:15.

The Canaries - six points from Premier League safety - host 14th place Southampton on Friday 19 June at 18:00 in their first fixture of the restarted campaign.

There have now been 16 positive results from 8,687 tests in total.

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A Spurs statement said the club was following the Government's definition of "close contact" as being within two metres of a confirmed case for 15 minutes or more.

They said: "The Norwich player in question has confirmed he had no 'close contacts' with our team yesterday and our squad has also verified this."