
SIGA Strives 29: Integrity body launches SIRVS to measure sports governance

SIGA Strives 29: Integrity body launches SIRVS to measure sports governance

Inside World Football

The Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA) has officially launched the pilot phase of the its independent rating and verification system, SIRVS, the first bespoke governance measuring system for the sporting industry. 

The SIGA Independent Rating and Verification System (SIRVS) is, says SIGA, “a game changer that will lead Sport and the wider industry into a new era of enhanced governance, integrity, transparency, and public accountability.”

In the first instance SIRVS will assess and rate sports organisations’ level of implementation against the body’s own Universal Standards. The aim of SIRVS is to provide an independent assessment of sports organisations in three core areas: Good Governance, Financial Integrity and Sports Betting Integrity. A fourth set of universal standards, focusing on Youth Development and Child Protection, is under development.

The British Standards Institution (BSI) serves as the independent auditing body for the SIRVS scheme, and determines the appropriate SIRVS rating achieved by sports organisations.

Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros, CEO of SIGA and Chairman & CEO of SIGA AMERICA, said: “Today is a historical day for SIGA and all those who care about Clean Sport! After so many recurrent and devastating scandals, sports organisations know it’s no longer enough to simply proclaim they are fit for purpose. Fans, sponsors, broadcasters and even governments … are done with self-assessments … they want, and deserve, the truth. They want to see evidence. Independent proof.

The sports organisations that will go through SIRVS during the pilot phase will be announced next month.

Frank Lee, Technical Director of BSI Product Certification, said:“BSI has worked with SIGA over the last 18 months to develop the formal integrity certification programme…BSI supports the SIRVS program and the impact it will bring in raising the level of integrity within the sporting industry.”

This is the 29th in a set of 30 boosting measures announced by SIGA.