
New guidelines for third phase; barbershops, gyms, some restaurants to reopen in Qatar

New guidelines for third phase; barbershops, gyms, some restaurants to reopen in Qatar

The Peninsula

Barbershops and hairdressers in the country can reopen with up to 3

Malls to continue to operate at 5

Ministry of Public Health has published a list of restrictions, which will be lifted as the country moves into Phase 3 of easing of Covid-19 restrictions. The third phase starts on Tuesday, July 28 instead of August 1 as previously announced.

The ministry listed out guidelines for malls, souqs, restaurants, hairdressers and private healthcare facilities.


-    Restricted number of Mosques and Eid musllahs will open during phase 3 for Friday prayers and Eid prayers. 

-    People must maintain a 1.5m physical distance at all times. 

-    People should bring their own prayer mats and Qur'an or use their phone Apps to read it. 

-    People over 60 years old, children, and those suffering from chronic conditions are advised to pray at home.

Social gatherings

-   Social gatherings during phase 3 will be limited to 10 people indoor and 30 people outdoors.

-   People participating in gatherings of any size should:

» wear masks

» practice hand hygiene

» maintain a physical distance from others (1.5 m)

» avoid any kind of physical contact, including handshakes, etc.

» ensure proper ventilation 

- People over 60 years old, pregnant women and those suffering from chronic conditions should try and avoid social gatherings, if possible.

Malls, Souqs and Wholesale Markets

-    Malls to continue to operate at 5

-    Children under 12 are not allowed. 

-    Souqs to operate with a maximum capacity of 75% (capacity will be determined according to risk assessment by the relevant government agencies) and wholesale markets to continue to operate at 3

Barbershops and Hairdressers

-    To re-open at up to 3

-    Masks, face shield, and gloves to be worn by staff. 

-    All staff are to be tested for COVID-19 prior to opening.

-    Only clients with scheduled appointments to be allowed entry to ensure physical distancing and avoid crowding.


-    Selected restaurants permitted to open at up to 5

-    Precautionary measures include a minimum of 2 m between tables and a maximum of 4 people per table (6 if from the same household). 

-    Food courts in shopping malls to remain closed during phase 3.

Gyms, Outdoor Swimming Pools and Waterparks

-    To re-open at a maximum capacity of 5

-    Indoor swimming pools, sauna, steam rooms, Jacuzzis, and massage services will remain closed.

-    Swimming pools should be monitored by staff to ensure guests maintain physical distancing in and out of the pool. 

-    No sharing of water bottles, towels, and other personal items.

Parks, Corniche and Beaches

-    People should avoid sitting and picnicking while outdoors. 

-    Groups of a maximum of 30 people are allowed. 

-    Playgrounds, skate parks and gym equipment will remain closed.

-    While walking outdoors, masks should be worn. 

-    While exercising outdoors, there is no need to wear a mask. However, people should maintain a physical distance of at least 2m from others.

Return to Work

-   Maximum of 8

Private Healthcare Facilities

-   Operational capacity to increase from 6

-   Home visits to resume with the following precautions:

» All staff must undergo COVID-19 testing before conducting home visits

» PPE (masks/face shields/gloves) to be worn by healthcare workers for home visits with strict hand hygiene and disinfection of bags/equipment/ hard surfaces between patients.