
SIGA Launches First Ever Sport Integrity Week

SIGA Launches First Ever Sport Integrity Week


The first edition of Sport Integrity Week initiative will be launched on Monday in all continents of the world and will continue until Sept.11. The initiative proposed and organized by the Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA), the world’s largest sport integrity coalition, headquartered in Geneva.

The Sport Integrity Week agenda includes 50 digital events, including discussion sessions (webinars) with the participation of 100 speakers representing 5 continents, and the first edition of the global initiative will be held on a digital platform that includes live broadcasts and interactive discussions on SIGA’s YouTube channel.

The sessions and discussions of the Sport Integrity Week comprises five axes: sports governance anti-corruption and international cooperation, financial integrity transparency and sustainability, integrity and betting in sports, developing youth capabilities and protecting children in sports, managing sports media and technology.

The Sport Integrity Week aims to promote the adoption and implementation of the highest integrity standards at all levels and across all areas of sport.

It will bring together all relevant key stakeholders, senior industry leaders and top experts, and provide a privileged opportunity to raise global awareness about the most critical challenges facing sport and the wider industry, facilitate collective action and pave the way to the necessary reforms at the center of SIGA’s mission.

The Vice Chairman of the Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA) Mohammed bin Hanzab, said in a statement today that the Sport Integrity Week is an unprecedented global initiative and will be held annually, and it is an initiative that will bring together all affiliates of global sport in various sectors from all continents and countries of the world to contribute to protecting integrity in sport.

Bin Hanzab said that the confirmed size of participation reflects the world’s interest in the issue of integrity and the need to mobilize all efforts and participate in bringing about positive change in relation to protecting integrity in global sport, and SIGA is awaiting specific conclusions and an evaluation of the digital events organized throughout the week.

He stressed that integrity has become a vital issue in global sport, and that after setting international standards for integrity in sport, SIGA seeks to spread awareness aspects and work to consecrate this culture as one of the important axes to protect global sports and athletes, especially youth and minors.

Bin Hanzab welcomed the remarkable Qatari participation in this global event and said that he is always proud of the support and contribution of Qatari institutions from various sectors in the global sporting movement, especially in the field of integrity in sports.

A number of Qatari institutions were keen to participate in this global event, including QNB Stars League, beIN Media Group, as well as Qatar Airways, a founding member of SIGA and the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS), whose board chairman Mohammed bin Hanzab will be a key speaker at this global event.

The State of Qatar launched the National Sports Day initiative in 2012, and after years the European Union launched the European Week of Sport initiative, and in continuation of this approach, SIGA launched Sport Integrity Week in an explicit embodiment of the leadership of the State of Qatar in the field of consecrating legacy and contributing to the inspiration of young people for the good sporting values and ideals.

SIGA is a Qatari idea and initiative, and the Sport Integrity Global Alliance was established in 2016 after four years of efforts led by ICSS, through the organization of the 4th International Sport Security Conference at Lancaster House in London, the center succeeded in mobilizing global efforts and building an international coalition for integrity in sport consisting of more than 80 members, and this resulted in the establishment of the first independent international organization for integrity in sport, called SIGA, which has been fully self-financed since its establishment by its 130 members representing personalities, international institutions and organizations and civil society organizations.