
Securing Sport 2020 Conference Concludes in Doha

Securing Sport 2020 Conference Concludes in Doha


The 7th Securing Sport 2020 Conference concluded Friday in Doha. The event was organized by the International Centre for Sport Security under the theme of "Building Resilience in an Ever-Changing World." The final day saw Save the Dream program hosted a number of panel discussions on a number of topics such as protecting children from racism and other forms of abuse. Head of Global Outreach in Save the Dream Bahruz Balayev moderated the discussions. Chairman of the International Centre for Sport Security Mohammed bin Hanzab praised the strong participation from a host of international organizations. He also praised the outcomes of the conference and the rich discussions held in all panel discussions. 

He highlighted that it is clear that sporting events will not go back to how they used to before the pandemic, even with the introduction of a vaccine. He noted that many stadiums around the world have lost its fans, the soul of any sport.