



The COVID-19 protocol for the 2019-20 second division league will include the following media guidelines, which form an integral part of the precautionary and preventive measures taken by the Qatar Football Association to complete the remaining matches in the season. Through the commitment of all clubs to these guidelines for media coverage before the match or on matchday, our aim is to preserve the safety of everyone, from players, administrative officials and technical staff.

First: Media coverage protocol before the match

1 – Determine a day for training that is open to mediapersons for a period of no more than twenty minutes (20 minutes), in accordance with the precautionary measures and preventive guidelines.

2 – Second division clubs should formally inform the media about the dates of the open training 48 hours prior to the sessions.

3 – All attendees should wear masks and gloves, and use the Ehteraz app.

4 – Allocating a specific place for conducting media interviews in the training pitch, under the supervision of the clubs.

5 – It is mandatory to conduct the media interviews in open areas on the training grounds.

6 – Photography is prohibited in lockers and indoor areas.

7 – The media will have to adhere to a distance of no less than 2 meters during the interview.

8 – Use equipment to help conduct interviews from a safe distance (2 metres).

9 – Sterilize the tools used during media interviews.

10 – It is prohibited to communicate directly with players or coaches without the supervision of the media official.

11 – Number of personnel allowed to attend the training sessions:

A- Newspapers (one journalist and one photographer).

B – TV channels (one reporter and one videographer).

12 – In the event that any mediaperson does not comply with these instructions, they will be prohibited from attending the sessions, and the media organization they represent will be informed.

13 – The club is entitled to hold a press conference before the match if it wishes to do so according to the following procedures:

– Holding the press conference 48 hours before the match.

– Attendance is mandatory for the team coach and a player who is required to be from the main squad list for the match.

– Commitment to the team’s uniform.

– Making sure to capture press conference events with photos and videos.

– The press conference will be published on the club’s official website and social media.

Second: Media coverage protocol on matchday

1- It is mandatory to follow the general precautionary procedures for all attendees, i.e. wear masks and gloves.

2 – Media presence is not allowed, for both journalists and photographers.

3 – Mixed zones will not be active before and after the match, and the presence of media personnel in this area is prohibited.

4 – Press conferences after the matches are cancelled, and they will be replaced by TV interviews with the coach through the official broadcaster.

5 – It is mandatory for a player to participate in TV interviews after the game through the official broadcaster, in coordination with the media official for each club.