
FIFA ponders third player transfer window

FIFA ponders third player transfer window


Football governing body FIFA could allow a third transfer window to enable the sport to seek flexible solutions to the coronavirus pandemic which has put league seasons on hold.

James Kitching, Director of Football Regulatory at FIFA, told Germany’s broadcaster ARD a third transfer period could be a possibility for federations.

This would be dealt with flexibly as long as the current total period for transfers of 16 weeks is not extended, he said.

At present the two transfer periods are a maximum of 12 weeks between seasons and four weeks in the middle of the season.

FIFA last week approved guidelines on players’ contracts and transfer deadlines to enable league seasons to be extended beyond June as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

On transfer windows FIFA said it “will be flexible and will allow the relevant transfer windows to be moved so they fall between the end of the old season and the start of the new season.” 

Players with contracts expiring on June 30 should be allowed to complete the season if it finishes at a later stage, FIFA said.

Most leagues are suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic and plans are being made to complete seasons - with play almost certainly going beyond that regular cut-off date.