
Tottenham reverse controversial decision to furlough staff until end of May

Tottenham reverse controversial decision to furlough staff until end of May


Tottenham Hotspur have followed Liverpool in reversing their decision to furlough staff, at least until the end of May.

The club had come under fire from supporters for making use of the government's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to ensure that public money was used to pay non-playing staff, but after a review they have altered their plans.

The club said in a statement : "We are acutely aware that many supporters were against the decision we made regarding furloughing staff who could not carry out their jobs from home - due to the nature of their work - and our intention to apply, if applicable, for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), a scheme designed to ensure that jobs and employment rights are protected.

"Indeed we have seen opposition from fans to fellow Premier League clubs accessing the CJRS too. This once again underlines that we bear different pressures to other businesses, many of whom have and will continue to apply for support from the scheme as the Government intended.

"In view of supporter sentiment regarding the scheme, it is now not our intention to make use of the current CJRS that runs until the end of May.

"We shall consult with stakeholders, including the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust with whom we have been in dialogue over the past week and who share our desire to protect jobs, should circumstances change going forward."

Chairman Daniel Levy responded to the criticism the club has received over the initial decision.